Premium Security & Networking

At the core of every business is a network connecting everyone to each other and the internet. Keeping that network secure and running smoothly is critical to a professional business and requires tailoring to keep costs to a minimum and to find the solution which works best for you. Network Security Prevents Data Theft, File Sabotage, Protects from spyware, Prevent Unauthorised Access, Reduce Unnecessary Traffic

Spyware & Ransomware

Spyware & Ransomware

Some of the most common viruses which affect businesses all across Australia. We have the tools expertise to mitigate the risk of infection.

Reduce Unnecessary Traffic

Reduce Unnecessary Traffic

Automated systems which will detect and block suspicious or unwanted activity before it is noticed is essential as most exploits will allow others to view and change data on your PC without your knowlege.

Hardware & Software Firewall

Hardware & Software Firewall

Edge hardware firewalls as well as high end software firewalls on every computer will ensure that traffic to and from your devices from the internet is not just monitored but filtered as well. This leads to a secure network which cannot be easily seen from a foreign device.

Preventing File Sabotage

Preventing File Sabotage

There are many ways to steal data from a business. One of the most embarasing may hapen to be File sabotage as it can lead your staff to indirectly infect the computers of your clients. Using only the most up to date and cutting edge hardware will ensure that not only are you connected with your clients but that you feel safe doing so.

Preventing Data Theft

Preventing Data Theft

Preventing data theft is perhaps the most sought after feature of firewall infrastructure. Preventing others from access your and your client’s information so that you can feel secure when collecting, utilising and sharing sensitive data within your workplace. Some of the more notable events in Secutiry breaches include unauthorised credit card and password access. Stay ahead of the competition and utilise the facilities of technical experts ensuring yours and your clients safety.

Prevent Unauthorised Access

Prevent Unauthorised Access

Without proper practices, it is a simple task for a malicious entity to gain access to emails, your computer's files or even contact your clients as you. We have a consistant track record or providing the security levels required to mitigate the risk of an even like this occuring.

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0407 802 117

12 Raleigh Dr, Narre Warren South VIC 3805

0421 574 933

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